So I am not really sure how it happened, but I have made it to this point in my life with 2 remaining grandparents. My grandfather pasted away today. I am not really sure how to feel yet, but I am so thankful that my children had an opportunity to know him. And that they will have memories of him. I actually was Daniel's age when my dad's grandmother pasted away. Kind of amazing how that works. I have fewer memories of her because she didn't live near by. But having the opportunity to be in Oscoda and Florida with Popi Jo as Daniel and Abby called him, was important. I think that the thing that I learned the most from all of this though is what an amazing and selfless person my mother is. She has with out complaint, given every moment of every day to him for the past 5 years. She truly has shown me what that is all about. I know that there are things that she has wanted to do, places that she has wanted to be, but she has been their for Papa. I also know that there is a reunion in heaven right now that is sure to include dancing. My grandparents loved to dance together and even did a few days before my grandmother died. So I am sure that they are waltzing in each others arms. That is the part that makes me the happiest is knowing that they no longer are a part. I will miss him. I will miss him sitting in his chair at the cottage. I will miss his laugh. I will miss him sneaking my kids candy. I will miss watching him enjoy a piece of pie. I know where I got my love of sweets! And will miss his spirit. But it is not here. And I know that I will see him again.
Stanozolol and Deca Durabolin
11 years ago