Well, fall is finally here. With daylight savings time so late this year, we have been spoiled. And it has all come at once. The dark, the cold, the windy. I guess that it is supposed to snow this week. JOY! I guess that is what I get for living in Michigan. Summer one week and winter the next. But it has kicked in my craving for comfort food. I made cabbage rolls on Sunday. They were YUMMY! And I think that I need to make some soup this week. I just feel it in the air.
My life is crazy/scary as usual. Work, Home, Church. It never stops! But at least there is a lull this week. The sacrament program is done for primary YEAH! The orientation is done for work YEAH. Check out my handy work at the website- www.habitat-lenawee.org But my house is in shambles and I never seem like I can get caught up! There alway is laundry to wash, which really isn't the hard part in this house, it is the putting away that we seem to have a problem with. There are alway dished to be washed and put away. And for some reason, my kids still haven't learned that the toys go in the toy room not all over the house.
Hopefully I will get some things accomplished this week. I am planning to make applesauce on Friday with my friend Jeni. It has become our thing. She loves it, as do I. I am going to help my friend Amy with her house on Saturday in preparation of her new baby coming!!!!! And I think that we are going to try and get in some girl time for lunch at the Relief Society Christmas Workshop. My friend Shelly is doing a silent lesson and I can't wait to see it. We shall see if I can make it through.
What other choice do I have?
Stanozolol and Deca Durabolin
11 years ago
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