My life is a gift, my life has a plan,
my life has a purpose in heaven it began.
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
and seek for God's light to direct me from birth.
I will follow God's plan for me holding fast to his word and his love,
I will work and I will pray and I will always walk in is way so will be
happy on earth and in my home above.
This is the first thing that came to my mind as I was reading a blog of a perfect stranger that had been in a tragic plane crash a week or so ago. She had posted some amazing back to school tradition ideas that I wanted to look at again and when I went back to it, there was a notice from her sister with the information about her and her husband and what was going on with their kids.
The pouting that I have been doing about my life seemed so trivial once I read this. The fact that Dan has a job that makes him travel more and work on Sundays, is not as big of a deal. The fact that I am so busy that I have a really dirty house, is not as big of a deal. The things that I think are big deals, really are not. The woman from the blog has sustained burns on over 80% of her body and her husband sustained burns on 20% of his body. They have 5 children, all whom are living with different family members in different states. I was completely humbled to be an outsider and read of their struggles and determination. Their family rallied. They have been there for them and taken their children as their own and love them and care for them. I marvel at the strength that they have shown. It is going to be a long road for them. I just hope that given the same opportunity, I could be so strong. I know that they are being carried now, but they are giving their all as well.
I am so blessed to have my two monkeys with me. I am so blessed to have my husband with me. I am so blessed to have all that I have. I am blessed to have the gospel in my life. I am so blessed to know that I am a Child of God, and so are these people. And He cares for them. He loves them. I am so thankful for all of this.
After reading this I called my sister and told her that if anything ever happened to me and Dan she better take care of them. I know that she would with no hesitation. Which led me to think, Daniel doesn't have a brother, Abby doesn't have a sister, but they have each other and I am thankful for that too.
Stanozolol and Deca Durabolin
11 years ago
1 comment:
hey how are you? It as been forever since we have seen you. Looks like you had fun with Grandma Potter. I think I was reading the same blog about those poor people in the plane crash. It made me so thankful for everything I have
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